mindmapping like hierarchical view
Eli Bechavod
Sebastian Wictorin
Interesting, thank you for this feedback!
I think if the default layout (force-based layout) did this positioning, it would always be the preferred? What do you think?
Sebastian Wictorin: I'm afraid I do not understand your question 🤔...
another idea I got about positioning of nodes is something like what you get to position objects in Word for example : that would be selecting a bunch of node and apply a certain positioning to them, that could be cercle around the root node, put in a line, make closer/wider appart ... etc
Sebastian Wictorin
v2Belleville: Sorry if I was unclear. The picture you posted looks like a force-based layout - just a bit neater than what Bloom usually does.
Your idea reminds me that we have a lot of opportunity to make repositioning much more flexible. Thanks!
Sebastian Wictorin: yes , it is a force based layout but with a different kind of force : the current one in bloom makes a line of subnodes, this one makes a bloom
Sebastian Wictorin: yes adjusting a display to make it meaningful currently is a nightmare, if you want to deal with more than 10 nodes... last night, after spending I do not know how much more time on the display I need, Bloom just froze ... everything lost again...
in your defense, the machine crashed maybe an hour later, and since I get this sometimes, there might be a problem with the way the machine deals with memory... but that is why we really need to be able to save manually build displays ...
Sebastian Wictorin
v2Belleville: That sounds awful. Thank you this feedback, it will be helpful for us as we continue to develop Bloom.