Poor Connection Retrying on local database
Andreas Hegedus
I am getting this error with Bloom 2.6.1 and 4.4.14 database all local on the same machine.
The query run just before was
Match (a:cpc)-[:Classified_as{sequence:0}]-(b:patent)-[r:Cites{inherited:false}]->(c:patent)-[:Classified_as{sequence:0}]-(d:cpc)
where exists{(b)-[:Assigned_to]-(:company{name:$who})-[Assigned_to]-(c)}
with a,d, count(r) as howmany
where howmany>$threshold
Call apoc.create.vRelationship(a,'Co_Uses',{num:howmany},d) yield rel
return a,d, rel
The query did return results as expected and then the error showed up. I cannot run additional queries. If I right click on a node the expanded relations are in circling mode waiting for resolution.
Jeff Gagnon
Hi, sorry to hear you're having this problem. If you run the same query in Browser (with some parameters filled in) will it run reliably there? Alternatively, does it work in Bloom without suggestions active? This will help us narrow down the problem.
Andreas Hegedus
Some additional data. It seems work a couple of times and then if I try it gets hung up on this {name:$who} getting suggestions with a time out error. I have set it as a label key and it does work initially so I am guessing that is correct. Why would it stop working after a couple of uses. I am using this to look at different companies in my data set. Note: there are 2210 company nodes and the name field is unique.