I am getting this error with Bloom 2.6.1 and 4.4.14 database all local on the same machine.
The query run just before was
Match (a:cpc)-[:Classified_as{sequence:0}]-(b:patent)-[r:Cites{inherited:false}]->(c:patent)-[:Classified_as{sequence:0}]-(d:cpc)
where exists{(b)-[:Assigned_to]-(:company{name:$who})-[Assigned_to]-(c)}
with a,d, count(r) as howmany
where howmany>$threshold
Call apoc.create.vRelationship(a,'Co_Uses',{num:howmany},d) yield rel
return a,d, rel
The query did return results as expected and then the error showed up. I cannot run additional queries. If I right click on a node the expanded relations are in circling mode waiting for resolution.