Query that write not changing properties
Andreas Hegedus
I have two queries, the first returns nodes and virtual relationships and as part of the query I set a property on the node. That seems to work as expected.
The second query sets the property back to 1 for all nodes of the first type. In previous versions of Bloom that would give you a warning that no results were found and if I did a refresh of the data it would show those new values. I am using that value as sizing key for the display of the nodes.
This is no longer working. If I look at the info pan for the node it still has the old value.
initial query:
Match (target:company{name:$who})-[:Assigned_to]-(:patent)-[r:Classified_0]-(b:cpc)
with b, count(r) as howmany
where howmany>=3
CALL apoc.path.expand(b, "Reports_to>", "cpc", 1, 3)
YIELD path
set b.num = howmany
Second query:
match (a:cpc) set a.num =1
The write checkbox is marked.
Second image is after issuing the second query and doing a refresh data.
If I then do a clear display and search for that node it shows the correct value, but this required me to clear the display.
Claudio Gallina
Hello Andreas Hegedus!
One way for refreshing the data in memory is to right click on a empty space and then select "Refresh Data".
Another way that might be more useful to you is to return the node you modify in the second query, in this case the returned result will be updated in the Visualization.
In your case it means:
MATCH (a:cpc) set a.num=1 RETURN a
I hope you found it useful!
// Claudio
Andreas Hegedus
Claudio Gallina: Hi Claudio,
I have issued a data refresh command and in the past it used to work. It no longer seems to work. If I remove the node from the display and display it anew it does show the correct value. It just seems refresh is not working.