I have two queries, the first returns nodes and virtual relationships and as part of the query I set a property on the node. That seems to work as expected.
The second query sets the property back to 1 for all nodes of the first type. In previous versions of Bloom that would give you a warning that no results were found and if I did a refresh of the data it would show those new values. I am using that value as sizing key for the display of the nodes.
This is no longer working. If I look at the info pan for the node it still has the old value.
initial query:
Match (target:company{name:$who})-[:Assigned_to]-(:patent)-[r:Classified_0]-(b:cpc)
with b, count(r) as howmany
where howmany>=3
CALL apoc.path.expand(b, "Reports_to>", "cpc", 1, 3)
YIELD path
set b.num = howmany
Second query:
match (a:cpc) set a.num =1
The write checkbox is marked.
Second image is after issuing the second query and doing a refresh data.
If I then do a clear display and search for that node it shows the correct value, but this required me to clear the display.